Here Space

A new studio space in Brisbane

Expressions of Interest

29 December 2023 - the studios are now full!

Our current space is now full! We've had a very exciting amount of interest from artists. We're keeping an active wait list, in order to keep interested artists abreast of new studio openings in 2024. Please fill out the EOI form below if you'd like to be added to our waiting list.

Criteria - who is eligible?

We're looking for artists with existing practices, who need space for ongoing projects. We value community, local roots, and social connectivity; we also value the space—physical space, and also social space—that is necessary to focus on the practice of making. We're interested in studio residents who think the same way.

Due to the nature of the space, artists working with heavy industrial materials or processes, or who regularly make or work with amplified sound, are not a good fit with HereSpace; neither are artists whose primary need is storage space. We don't make a hard distinction between artists with commercial representation and those without, but we prefer to extend studio space to artists without existing infrastructural support.

More information for studio residents

STUDIO RATES — Please fill out the form below and we will contact you with further information about the availability and pricing of our various studio spaces.

BOND — The bond for a studio space is one month's rent; bond and the first month's rent are payable in advance. Monthly rent is always payable at the beginning of each month's occupancy.

INSURANCE — All studio residents must have their own insurance cover for public liability of $20 million, and are responsible for insuring their own property on site. We recommend NAVA Premium Plus, which also includes tenant's liability and personal accident cover.

NOISE - The studios are in a commercial warehouse building but the neighbouring properties are residential houses. This means it’s a lovely quiet spot to make art, but artists using processes that are heavy industrial in nature, both in terms of noise and chemical use, would not suit this space. This would also impact our ability to lease to artists working in amplified sound or music.

FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES - Our lease, like most premises, has strict stipulations on the storage and use of flammable or explosive substances on the site, which must be dealt with in accordance to all laws, standards and requirements applying to them. Thus, we need to know if you will be using these substances on site, so we can discuss together how to do so safely and what needs to be put in place for their use. i.e. is the current ventilation in the studios adequate? Is chemical cupboard needed for safe storage?

Interest Form


  • Your full preferred name:
  • Your preferred pronouns:
  • Your artist CV
  • Contact info, website, & socials
    • preferred email:
    • phone:
    • website:
    • Instagram:
    • Facebook:
  • What is your primary medium and/or your primary intent in using the studio space?
  • What's your preferred initial studio occupancy term (6 months, 12 months, other)?

Your studio practice

  • What materials, equipment, tools do you use in general?
  • What's your smelliest/most toxic medium? How much do you use it?
  • Are any of your materials flammable or explosive? If so, please list and explain.
  • What's your noisiest process? How often do you use it?
  • What energy/utility/special requirements does your practice have, if any?

Your use of the space

  • Do you have any accessibility or other needs that you would like us to be aware of?
  • How many hours/week do you anticipate being in the space?
  • What probable hours would you be in the space?
  • (Note that your schedule is up to you. Our intention is that the studios are used regularly, that the artists' practices are compatible with each other, and that HereSpace is a good neighbour in our residential neighbourhood.)

Other considerations

  • Would you interested in future open studios, or other occasional public-facing events?
  • Would you like to sign up for our mailing list?
submit info